Saturday, September 28, 2019

Star Student Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Star Student - Case Study Example This is because the Star Student had not yet been fully employed and this was only a proposal. According to the law, if one has not signed a working contract, he or she is not a worker of the institution (100-379 (29 U.S.C. Â § 2101, et seq.). However, if the Star Student had indeed signed a working contract, the Big three company needs to pay him/her the compensation. If the Star student is brought with inconveniences, the compensation will be paid. The managing director also needs to give the Star student a notice so as not to bring any inconvenience to him/her. The law states that a notice should be given when laying off an employee (Boatright, 57). In such cases, the managing director of the Big Three Company is supposed to give a notice to the Star student. In the ethical perspective, according to the Ross theory, common sense dictates that when one makes a promise (in this case Big Three company making a promise to the Star student) it becomes imperative to fulfill the promise. In this situation, the company has two duties that both have an intrinsic value. The first is the moral obligation to fulfill the promise of work and the second one is fulfilling the company’s needs to prevent the collapse of the company and, consequently the retrenchment of many workers. Therefore, this case should be looked at in a way that would bring more intrinsic value to the society in general. Sometimes we do things, although not directly beneficial to us, for the benefit of the society. In this case, the greater good is the stability of the Big Three Company which would, therefore, means that no more people lose their jobs. Sometimes the law is unethical, it is considered to be too harsh. For example, if the Star student had not signed a contract, the Company is not legally obligated to pay compensation to the student. This is in contrast to ethical laws regarding promises.

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