Friday, September 13, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) planning in Toyota Motor in Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) planning in Toyota Motor in Europe in 2010 - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that with the onset of the economic slowdown during the recession period Toyota have gone through several challenges for a sustainable growth in the business environment. In spite of such a tough situation the company has always ensured safety and customer satisfaction to the top priority and implemented several strategies for a better understanding of the market as well as for the environment. After the recession period, the company has gone through a fresh start and steer towards a new growth direction with its new Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach. Always committed to supplying safe and reliable vehicles for the market the company always looked after the dynamic need of the customers and the marketplace together. In the process, the company has great support from the stakeholders and the people related to the company who helped for this sustainable growth of the company in the competitive environment. The company is not only into the development of safer car as its CSR approach but also involved into serving the people associated with the company business who provides the high-quality products from the company for the growing market needs. With the global crisis of energy Toyota also looks after developing eco-friendly cars for the society and grows in hand with the environment with the safe and reliable vehicles for the society. For an efficient handling of the Corporate Social Responsibility program, the corporate team has established the CSR committee who are into the management process of the CSR departments and the promotion of the approach and help the company to implement strategies for its CSR activities. The legal compliance is looked after by the core Corporate Ethics Committee and the Philanthropy Committee manages the social activities for a better reach and promotional activities which facilitates the process of long-term growth for the company. The management of CSR activities for Toyota consistently looks after the improvements of the different processes for the firm. The Corporate Social Responsibility program for the company is primarily focused towards the assessment of the internal as well as the external entities for the firm. The assessment program gives the chance for the company to look after and identify the weak points of the company and evaluate strategies accordingly for the midlevel and long-term growth of Toyota.

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