Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Benefits and Cons of Home Schooling Research Paper

Benefits and Cons of Home Schooling - Research Paper Example These tend to find it very difficult to cope in a working environment, and some even have problems getting employment because they do not have the necessary skills to do the jobs which they aspire to. To combat this, many parents are finding it worthwhile to teach their children themselves, and this has made home schooling very popular with a growth rate of ten to fifteen percent every year. Statistics show that home schooled children tend to do better than those in public schools, but despite this there have also been arguments against it with some saying that education is not all about getting good grades but also about learning social skills, which, as many feel, these children do not have (Wolfe). In this paper, we shall discuss the pros and cons of home schooling, and at the end of it we shall determine whether it is the best way of educating children. One of the benefits of home schooling is the fact that the students are able to study whatever topics or subjects they want and for as long as they want while also covering what can be considered to be basic knowledge (Ryan). This helps a lot when determining their areas of interest and what field they would like to specialize in as the focus of their further education. Since this is determined early, home schooled students tend to work towards their life goals at an earlier age, and it is a common thing for them to be done with their education much earlier than their colleagues in public schools are. Not only are they able to comprehend better what they are taught, but the idea that they are being allowed to do the subject that they want to do acts as a motivator for them to work even harder. The basic education of a home schooled student can be completed between the ages of six and ten according to their ability. This ensures that they have all the time they need to concentrate on their subjects of interest until are well versed in them or when they are ready to do other subjects that have caught their int erest. Educational freedom gives the student enough time not only to study what they wish at a specific time but also helps in their mental and academic development as there is no pressure to do those subjects they do not want to do in a hurry. Home schooling allows for the physical freedom not only of the students involved but also of their parents as well because their lives no longer revolve around school hours but are determined by the amount of school work which has been set for the students for a particular day. After being withdrawn from the public school system, it is a very normal situation for students to suffer from shock, but after the initial shock is gone, subsequently these students experience a new sense of freedom, which they never experienced while they were in the school system. They not only get to have more free time on their hands because home schooling is not as rigorous as the public schooling, but they also get to spend more time with their families, which i s a very aspect. This helps to promote better understanding between the parents and their children and is an advantage over many students in the public school system. Those in the school system tend to have less freedom of movement because they have to work for long hours every day, and when they come home, they always have homework to do,

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