Wednesday, August 14, 2019

SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL MODEL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL MODEL - Essay Example In our next league of discussion, we will emphasis on the interpersonal relationship of the smokers. Smoking and Family The problem pertaining to smoking starts percolating in the fate of our new born baby. A smoking mother not only loads his unborn child with loads of vulnerability but also paves the way for a future smoker as the recent study suggests that the smoking habit alters the genetic codes which make the child more prone to smoking in days to come. Besides the legacy of pulmonary diseases, cancer is quite evident in these babies (1). Naturally, this type of child, when grow up, will seldom depict its respect etc to the institution called family. He or she will came to know through ages who are responsible for this ailment. In another paradigm of this discussion, the smoking habit of the adults is also equally responsible for the interpersonal strained relationship in a family. In today’s urban set up where a family of four or five of the members is being forced to l ive in the dingy apartment, the much hyped question of â€Å"Passive Smoking† can not be ruled out.

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