Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Educational Preparation

Write a formal paper (750-1,000 words) discussing the discriminations in competencies between reserves watchful at the colleague- stratum take aim versus the bachelors class- course aim in accusation for. For additional help finding research on this topic, insinuate to the library tutorial located at in the Student Success Center. Identify a diligent place cargon situation in which you describe how breast feeding accusation or approaches to decision- make whitethorn differ ground upon the studyal preparation of the nurse (BSN versus a sheepskin or ADN point in quantify). Introduction suckles atomic number 18 lively in twain different bringing upal backgrounds, the baccalaureate period level of treat and the think- spirit level level of financial aid for. Though they ar disposed(p) in two different settings when completion of these designs two sit for NCLEX-RN exam. The NCLEX is the state board to freedom and RN for competency to pretend as a regi stered nurse. on that point are few struggles in competencies between fella- ground level nurses and baccalaureate degree level nurses including their level of commitment, lead skills and their case of forbearing veneration. breeding is an infinite process. Every day, in the raw split upments emerge and new-sprung(prenominal) dec hushs and remedies disc all overed. The over all in all out enumerate of salutaryness conduct affairs has dramatically changed in the past few decades. divvy up for plays a very unfavour commensurate and important give in efficient forethought and longanimous safety. take ins work shoulder to shoulder with physicians in treatment supplying and focus. Legal and ethical responsibility of the contend declare oneselfd is alike increasingly shared by the declares. burster for profession frankincense calls for better qualified and nearly educate nurses.Even though unite degree courses prepare nurses for longanimous care in a in firmary setting, that upbringing is insufficient for a variety of treat roles. relation Point one-Associate level breast feeding was established afterward macrocosm War 2 during a treat shortage. This set abouted at the friendship colleges students would engage to attend for 2 years to make your treat degree. Community colleges were growing at a fast rate they were equal to accept m either(prenominal) more than than(prenominal) students than universities. Associate nurses were taught the skills of treat to work as an RN.One playing field showed that when reviewed by managers 86% of ADN nurses met or exceeded their expectation. (EEpg268) Point two Baccalaureate degree programs are help at the Universities, and students would attend these schools for quartette years to earn their nursing degree. One study shows that nurses with their BSN are sh give birth to be little task oriented, waste unfavor commensurate approximateing skills, are more original in thei r role, and show more leading skills. These nurses look at the enduring as a alto outwither and not just a list of things they strike to accomplish during their day.ADN program is designed to lead the skills and association to become a compliant generalist nurse. In most cases, it is a 20 month program aimed to provide a reasonably skilful procreation for the licen trustworthy examination (NCLEX-RN) and then an immediate, decent staff mooring in infirmarys and in longanimous healthcare modern society human being, encompass extensively sophisticated requisites arouse advanced techniques of acquisition directly correlating to health care industry.The health care is intensifying in mingledness and observing beneficial amendments. The longevity and expectations bear heightened thus nurses are obligate to become educated in spicy echelon, the superior baccalaureate level, to comprehensively pass on composite necessities. The professional nurse who graduates with a bacc alaureate is primed for broader role in numerous prospect of health care in addition to globular k directlyledge of functionality of medical system and diverse methods of employment.Enabling the coating in daily patient care, the delegation of tasks, main(a) decision making, secure patient dis incriminate, and numerous whatever another(prenominal) aspects provoking an repairment in quality of care. interrogation has sh accept that lower fatality rate rates, fewer medication errors, and ordained outcomes are all linked to nurses prepared at the baccalaureate and graduate degree levels. Education for nurses is life long process either at the bedside or school, nurses are continuously learning to get together the competencies of professional practice and growing demand of excellent care.The distinction between the nurse prepared at the companion degree level versus the baccalaureate degree level in nursing is the nurse with baccalaureate degree has the more prestigious degree and chooseing in global aspect of health care tuition in complicated systems is, itself, complex. Nonlinear systems confound attempts to develop and enforce simple models of cause and effect, and so traditional, hypothetical-deductive methods to look cause and effect often bomb.We k now that in the daily life of parenting, marital relationships, and team sports, where recurrent learning and improvement replaces planned experiment as an approach for gaining knowledge. Even where firm, cause-and-effect knowledge exists in science- base health care the knowledge, for example, that antibiotic A result approximately eternally kill bacterium B the application of that knowledge runs straightaway into the messy institution of complex systems.That is, reliably acquire the antibiotic safely into the carcass of a patient with that germ turns out to be a constant challenge as systems fail (the order got upset), unpredicted side effects run (the patient is on an incompatible other dose), local anaesthetic circumstances become bluely relevant (the drug is un beaten(prenominal) to the new reanimate), and errors multiply (the bacteriological business relationship was on the wrong patient). The fact is frustrating and inescap fitting in health care, as in any complex enterprise, the simple, scientific facts lie fallow without unrelenting Adaptation to local contexts.The modern nurse who intends to improve the job effectively engages to be a master of the work So what is the disparity and how allow it affect the course of a career in nursing In todays nursing valet de chambre, more is expected from a nurse than by-line doctors orders and first IVs. The nurse must(prenominal) be able to make particular decisions intimately a patients care, to question the doctor if orders front inappropriate and to help the patient through, some propagation, herculean life-changing decisions.These skills take an teaching that is broad establish, one that i ncludes precise thinking and expo certain(a) to many different people, fantasy processes, and culture and societal norms. Two year nursing programs do recognize these quests and address them as they straighten out, requiring liberal arts classes to be taken ahead entering the program and t all(prenominal)ing decision making skills along the way. At perpetuallyy level of nursing, the military personnel power to connect with different people, recognize the pressures they face from their own(prenominal) environment and find value in each is comminuted.This is a lot to learn against a screen background of proficiently realizeed procedures and giving the right medication. BSNprograms offer more spring uping aimed at developing these skills. These programs bolster knowledge astir(predicate) confederacy and public health issues. thither is in addition more attention paid to nursing management, that is, enhancing skills collected to help direct reports do their lift out work for the patient and the health care organization. hazard to refine patient assessment skills and examine more in depth the pathophysiology of indispositions, in like manner sets these rograms apart from their two-year program me protects who graduate with a BSN degree lead find it easier to enter capability principle positions, higher level administrative roles in hospitals or other health care environments and State or federal level government nursing jobs. And for some, these roles are more upstanding, allowing the idiosyncratic to affect change at a more global level than one-on-one nursing. enchantment it is true an experienced, talented nurse with an AS degree git move up the ladder into management and leadership roles, the Bachelors degree finish make the climb a little little steep.And, with all this said, there ordain always be a critical role for the nurse who works directly with the patient, teaching patients about their health care, guarantee quality wound management in the hospital setting and observing patients for signs of a worsening condition. care for is a huge and welcoming field. It offers a satisfying career path for twain(prenominal) AS andBSN trained nurses. Whatever path you have chosen in nursing, the essential wisdom is to continue enhancing your skills and pedagogics so that your community, your organization and your patients benefit from your broadened view of the world. ConclusionI know in mortal from being an RN with my associate degree that I do think differently than other RNs. I find myself worrying a lot about the tasks that I need to finish before my angle ends and not looking at the reasons why I am doing things. I watch other RNs getting why they patient is experiencing these symptoms speckle I am just come uping orders and treating the patient. I have seen myself start critically thinking on what my patients need and ask the doctors for different things. References c at one seasonptual foundat ions the bridge to professional nursing practice 5th edition 2011 American experience of college of nursingRobert Rosseter april 2 2012The Future of care for Leading Change, move Health http//www. nap. edu/catalog/12956. html Aiken, L. H. , Cheung, R. B. & Olds, D. M. (2009, June 12). Education policy initiatives to address the nurse shortage in the fall in States. Health Affairs Web Exclusive. Accessed June 22, 2009 at http//content. healthaffairs. org/cgi/content/abstract/hlthaff. 28. 4. w646 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2009). 2008-2009 Enrollment and graduations in Baccalaureate and graduate programs in nursing. Washington, DC Author.Educational cookeryEducational c onceptualization juli mar Grand Canyon University NRS 430 12-18-11 Educational Preparation thither are 2 common, but different, pathways to receiving a RN endorse. You can earn a bachelors degree (BSN) or an associate degree, (ADN). fleck there are similarities between the two programs, a B SN takes two additional years of college at a university. twain programs teach nursing skills, electives ,science courses, and clinicals. But, the BSN program is a more in-depth study of nursing research, theory, evidence establish practice, management, community, and public health nursing.The baccalaureate program gives the individual the added benefit of having more command. No matter which suit of entry into practice program one chooses, the demands laid on nursing in the emerging health care system are liable(predicate) to quest a greater proportion of RNs who are prepared beyond the associate degree or sheepskin level. (Recreating health professional practice for a new century. , 1998). Even though the BSN has more education, both graduates are held to the like standards of practice. ADN and BSN nurses must pass the NCLEX exam.They have the same patient workload, responsibilities, and the same starting rate of pay. This brings up the often flip, are their competencie s any different ? Mildred Montag created the 2 year associate degree after World War II. Several important goals were attained by the AD programs success. It helped train registered nurses to help replace baccalaureate nurses in a shorter time. A new consortium of students, including men, married women with children, and older than typical undergraduates, were now able to choose nursing career (Creasia & Friberg, 2011, p. 1). Montag assumed these nurses would be assistants to the professional nurses, and since there has been a long debate on whether this degree should continue. The conflict is related to the educational level, leadership, and critical thinking skills of the BSN vs. ADN. Many other countries, Canada, Sweden, Portugal, and the Philippines all require a four year BSN degree for entry level RN. I do see employers in the united States are moving towards a BSN for entry level as they did before the ADN was developed. In 1965, the American Nurses Association (ANA) desi gnated the baccalaureate degree as the educational entry point into professional nursing practice(Creasia & Friberg, 1965/2011, p. 4). Most employers have a quick preference for hiring a BSN, as nurses continue to elaborate their roles and are providing more community based care away from the hospital. Society is also changing and patient needs are proper more complex as they are living longer, have more chronic illness, and technology advancing. These are reasons a BSN is becoming more apparent in our society today.Does having a BSN mean she/he is more competent over the other ADN ? A BSN is better prepared to meet all the patients needs. They can better assist with teaching in the communities, can take a leadership position, function as clinical nurse leaders( charge nurse), has more advanced critical thinking skills, familiar with nursing research, evidence based practice, and theory. Evidence based practice( EBP), means to back up opinions and practices with facts. Basically, the more we think about what were doing and why the better nurses we provide be.We learned the importance of this from Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. She apply EBP to improve the conditions of hospitals during the Crimean war. She assessed the environment, collected data, identified interventions, and monitored patient outcomes. In less than 6 months her interventions significantly decr alleviationd the mortality of soldiers. Nightingale use supporting evidence to transmute healthcare(Cooper, 2011, p. 1) With her information, evidence based practice became used and appreciated. Nurses need to know what proven techniques and interventions have been found to be most effective.They can only do this by applying evidence based practice, which is better taught at a BSN level. A BSN can continue to expand their role as a RN, using their BSN as a stepping stone towards, nurse practitioner ,nurse midwife, or nurse anesthetist, if they decide to do so. BSN nurses w ill find it easier to get ability teaching positions, higher level administrative roles in hospitals and state or federal level government jobs(Forster, 2008, p. 1). In todays world more is expected from a nurse than ever before. Nursing practice is not just starting IVs and embraceing doctors orders.The public expects care to be delivered by a professional nurse. The RN must be able to make critical decisions about a patients care, to question the doctor if orders seem inappropriate and to help the patient through some propagation life-changing decisions. This takes an education that is broad based, one that includes critical thinking and exposure to many different people, perspective processes, and culture and societal norms. (Forster, 2008, p. 1). ADN usually cost less and takes less time to complete, but isnt always the best choice if career advancement is wanted.The quality of our patient care is dependent on our education. Both are wonderful paths for anyone pursuing a nur sing career and offer excellent pay, job security, and a wide range of work environments and experiences. References References Cooper, C. (2011). Transforming Healthcare through the use of evidence based practice journal. Nursing Excellence, 1(1), 1. Retrieved from http//www. childrenscentralcal. org Cooper, C. (2011). Transforming Healthcare through the use of evidence based practice online newsletter. Nursing Excellence, 1(1), 1. Retrieved from http//www. childrenscentralcal. rg Creasia, J. L. , & Friberg, E. (2011). Introduction. In E. Mosby (Ed. ), Conceptual Foundations The couple to Professional nursing practice (p. 4). Retrieved from (Original work produce 1965) Creasia, J. L. , & Friberg, E. (2011). Nursing in Institutions of Higher Education. In E. Mosby (Ed. ), Conceptual Foundations The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice (p. 41). Retrieved from Forster, H. (2008). ADN vs BSN. Retrieved from http//nursinglink. monster. com/education/articles/3842adn-vs-bsn Pew Hea lth Professions Commission. (1998). San Francisco Author.Educational preparation there are three main avenues for a someone to become a Registered Nurse in the United States. There are diploma programs, associate degree programs (AD), and baccalaureate degree ( bbs) programs. Graduates from all three of these programs are eligible to take the same licensing exam and obtain the same registered nurse license in their individual states. Many people, nurses included, have often wondered what the discrepancy is in the education these nurses have accredited.Is it all the same? Is an RAN an RAN no matter what his/her education level? The primary difference between an AD nurse and a electronic bulletin board nurse lies within the focus of their nursing education. novel research indicates that baccalaureate programs focus more on care coordination and community health than do associate programs. One source stated that baccalaureate nursing programs historically provide two to three tim es more clinical training in outpatient settings than associate programs (Feature 2013).Thus, baccalaureate prepared nurses are better furnish to work in these alternate(a) healthcare settings and to provide care to patients who eave the hospital and move on to these alternate settings. The associate degree (AD) nurse holds the same license as the BBS nurse. However, the focus of the associate program education is quite different. City University of New York faculty fellow, Maureen Wallace, Deed, RAN, stated, Most AD students get an excellent clinical experience but their education has been heavily skills oriented and focused on acute care. (Feature, 2013, p. 3) The associate nurses education is geared more towards inpatient, hospital based care. regrettably for he AD nurses, this puts them at somewhat of a disadvantage in the current healthcare climate. tally to Dry. Patricia Banner (2009), more than 50% of all nurses now work outside of the hospital setting. So part AD nurses may have fantastic clinical skills for acute care, they may not possess critical knowledge needed to educate patients on illness legal profession, self-care at home, and utilizing community resources.This apparent knowledge shortfall and acute care focused training could significantly impact the way an AD RAN responds to a patient need versus how a BBS RAN might respond. This difference could even negatively impact the patient in the future. This can be demonstrated in the simulated scenario of Mr.. smith. Mr.. metalworker was admitted to the hospital through the emergency live four days ago with complaints of severe type AB pain and vomiting fecal matter. He was diagnosed with a bowel obstruction secondary to colon genus Cancer and immediately underwent surgery for tumor removal and bowel resection.He was married with two small children. He had disoriented a significant amount of weight in recent weeks and was extremely weak. Significant differences in the education leve l between the AD and BBS nurses can be seen in the way each delivered lose instructions to this patient. Utilizing her skills and acute care knowledge base, Nurse AD, focused her bear instructions on nominate pop pain management, functional site transmittance streak, dietary restrictions, activity limitations, and the importance of keeping follow up appointments with the surgeon and oncologist.She instructed the patients wife on how to work out the g way of lifeing change, and Mrs.. metalworker performed a return rest period reluctantly. Mr.. And Mrs.. metalworker nodded politely as Nurse AD provided instructions but they did not ask any questions. They both nodded in agreement when she asked if they understood the instructions. Mrs.. metalworker signed the bring in instruction form and Nurse AD advised them to let her know when they were put together to leave so she could call for transport downstairs. Mr.. And Mrs.. smith were very promising completely overwhelmed at this point, having further get the new diagnosis of cancer.Mr.. smith was so weak that he could not perform his own Talls. Mrs.. metalworker as wondering how in the world she was going to get him out of the car once they got home let alone how she was going to bath him and change his training with two small children underfoot. This insufficiency of resources, support, and knowledge could put Mr.. smith at high risk for re-hospitalizing. Since he will not have adequate assistance at home, he is possible to not follow activity restrictions. He may even fall and injure himself due to his washed-out condition. Mrs.. smith probably did not retain oftentimes(prenominal) of the top education and may not be able to consistently perform an septic dressing change. His running(a) wound could become infected. If Nurse BBS completes Mr.. Smiths provoke teaching, the scenario could be much different. Nurse BBS also drew from her educational background. However, hers was more focused on care coordination, community health and illness prevention (The impact of education 2014). She began her discharge instructions by assessing the couples level of understanding and coping as well as the resources available to them at home.She asked if Mr.. Smith had a wheel moderate for transport from his car to his home. She asked if they had a way to upgrade the head of his bed or if they had a reclining chasten that he could sleep in for comfort and ease of movement. Mrs.. Smith responded by replying that she does not have a clue how to operate a wheel tame or where to obtain one and furthermore, she was not sure she was going to be able to take care of him at all. Nurse BBS identified the need for ongoing skilled nursing care and education. She spoke with the surgeon and obtained an order to refer Mr.. Smith to a home health agency.She delayed Mr.. Smiths discharge for several(prenominal)(prenominal) hours until he home health agency could tax him and deliver a wheel ch eck and hospital bed to his home. Mr.. Smith will now receive nursing care at home to manage his wound and to train Mrs.. Smith on aseptic technique for dressing changes. He will also receive education on all aspects of his newly diagnosed cancer and personal therapy to address his weakness and prevent falls. In this scenario, Mr.. Smith is much less credibly to return to the hospital because of the nursing education and in home care he received (Beanbags and Terrain 2000).His wound will likely heal very icily and he will be better prepared to cope with his malady and recovery because he will have received ample education from his home health nurse. He will probably feel less awful at home because he will soothe have access to a nurse when he has a need or a question. In both scenarios, the nurses held the same license. They both performed their Job duties well. They both had the patients best interest at heart. They both utilize the nursing process and interventions to assist the patient during his time of crisis.However, Nurse Abss interventions were better suited to meet the tangents needs. Because her nursing education was more focused on community health and outpatient settings, she was better able to assess the patient holistically and address his immediate and long term needs. Mr.. Smith is much less likely to be re-hospitalized and much more likely to have a satisfactory outcome because of Nurse BBS.Educational preparationThere are three main avenues for a person to become a Registered Nurse in the United States. There are diploma programs, associate degree programs (AD), and baccalaureate degree (BBS) programs. Graduates from all three of these programs are eligible to take the same licensing exam and obtain the same registered nurse license in their several(prenominal) states. Many people, nurses included, have often wondered what the difference is in the education these nurses have received.Is it all the same? Is an RAN an RAN no matter what his/her education level? The primary difference between an AD nurse and a BBS nurse lies within the focus of their nursing education. new-fashioned research indicates that baccalaureate programs focus more on care coordination and community health than do associate programs. One source stated that baccalaureate nursing programs historically provide two to three times more clinical training in outpatient settings than associate programs (Feature 2013).Thus, baccalaureate prepared nurses are better outfit to work in these alternative healthcare settings and to provide care to patients who eave the hospital and move on to these alternative settings. The associate degree (AD) nurse holds the same license as the BBS nurse. However, the focus of the associate program education is quite different. City University of New York faculty fellow, Maureen Wallace, Deed, RAN, stated, Most AD students get an excellent clinical experience but their education has been heavily skills oriented and f ocused on acute care. (Feature, 2013, p. 3) The associate nurses education is geared more towards inpatient, hospital based care. unluckily for he AD nurses, this puts them at somewhat of a disadvantage in the current healthcare climate. accord to Dry. Patricia Banner (2009), more than 50% of all nurses now work outside of the hospital setting. So while AD nurses may have fantastic clinical skills for acute care, they may not possess critical knowledge needed to educate patients on affection prevention, self-care at home, and utilizing community resources.This apparent knowledge deficit and acute care focused training could significantly impact the way an AD RAN responds to a patient need versus how a BBS RAN might respond. This difference could even negatively impact the patient in the future. This can be demonstrated in the fictitious scenario of Mr.. Smith. Mr.. Smith was admitted to the hospital through the emergency room four days ago with complaints of severe type AB pain and vomiting fecal matter. He was diagnosed with a bowel obstruction secondary to colon cancer and immediately underwent surgery for tumor removal and bowel resection.He was married with two small children. He had lost a significant amount of weight in recent weeks and was extremely weak. Significant differences in the education level between the AD and BBS nurses can be seen in the way each delivered discharge instructions to this patient. Utilizing her skills and acute care knowledge base, Nurse AD, focused her discharge instructions on persuade pop pain management, surgical site transmitting prevention, dietary restrictions, activity limitations, and the importance of keeping follow up appointments with the surgeon and oncologist.She instructed the patients wife on how to perform the dressing change, and Mrs.. Smith performed a return succour reluctantly. Mr.. And Mrs.. Smith nodded politely as Nurse AD provided instructions but they did not ask any questions. They both nodded in agreement when she asked if they understood the instructions. Mrs.. Smith signed the discharge instruction form and Nurse AD advised them to let her know when they were lively to leave so she could call for transport downstairs. Mr.. And Mrs.. Smith were very likely completely overwhelmed at this point, having save received the new diagnosis of cancer.Mr.. Smith was so weak that he could not perform his own Talls. Mrs.. Smith as wondering how in the world she was going to get him out of the car once they got home let alone how she was going to bathe him and change his dressing with two small children underfoot. This deficiency of resources, support, and knowledge could put Mr.. Smith at high risk for re-hospitalizing. Since he will not have adequate assistance at home, he is likely to not follow activity restrictions. He may even fall and injure himself due to his atrophied condition. Mrs..Smith probably did not retain much of the discharge education and may not be able to consistently perform an septic dressing change. His surgical wound could become infected. If Nurse BBS completes Mr.. Smiths discharge teaching, the scenario could be much different. Nurse BBS also drew from her educational background. However, hers was more focused on care coordination, community health and illness prevention (The impact of education 2014). She began her discharge instructions by assessing the couples level of understanding and coping as well as the resources available to them at home.She asked if Mr.. Smith had a wheelchair for transport from his car to his home. She asked if they had a way to bid the head of his bed or if they had a reclining chair that he could sleep in for comfort and ease of movement. Mrs.. Smith responded by replying that she does not have a clue how to operate a wheel chair or where to obtain one and furthermore, she was not sure she was going to be able to take care of him at all. Nurse BBS identified the need for ongoing skilled nursing c are and education. She spoke with the surgeon and obtained an order to refer Mr.. Smith to a home health agency.She delayed Mr.. Smiths discharge for several hours until he home health agency could mensurate him and deliver a wheelchair and hospital bed to his home. Mr.. Smith will now receive nursing care at home to manage his wound and to train Mrs.. Smith on aseptic technique for dressing changes. He will also receive education on all aspects of his newly diagnosed cancer and somatogenetic therapy to address his weakness and prevent falls. In this scenario, Mr.. Smith is much less likely to return to the hospital because of the nursing education and in home care he received (Beanbags and Terrain 2000).His wound will likely heal very icily and he will be better prepared to cope with his disease and recovery because he will have received ample education from his home health nurse. He will probably feel less afraid(predicate) at home because he will gloss over have access to a n urse when he has a need or a question. In both scenarios, the nurses held the same license. They both performed their Job duties well. They both had the patients best interest at heart. They both utilized the nursing process and interventions to assist the patient during his time of crisis.However, Nurse Abss interventions were better suited to meet the tangents needs. Because her nursing education was more focused on community health and outpatient settings, she was better able to assess the patient holistically and address his immediate and long term needs. Mr.. Smith is much less likely to be re-hospitalized and much more likely to have a good outcome because of Nurse BBS.

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